About Project Sunshine Project Sunshine is a nonprofit organization that provides free educational, recreational, and social programs to children facing medical challenges and their families. Volunteers selflessly donate their time to create program materials and deliver programs. Working onsite, our volunteers relieve the anxiety of the young patients and in a context of fun and play, foster in them the courage and coping skills necessary to confront procedures that lie ahead. Project Sunshine volunteers spread sunshine, restoring a crucial sense of normalcy to the pediatric healthcare environment. Learn more by visiting their website, here!
Harlem Hospital – August 2013 One of Harlem Hospital Center Pediatric Treatment Room was transformed into an underwater world from floor to ceiling thanks to the sponsorship of Project Sunshine. The theme was inspired by the yellow submarine examination table in the center of the room and is designed to engage and distract the young patients during examinations.
Emily, Child Life Specialist at Harlem Hospital, Heather La Colla, Splashes of Hope artist, and a Project Sunshine volunteer celebrate the new splash with a Harlem Hospital patient by playing Peek-A-Boo with a bubble machine!